Home » A bit of a challenge » Amazing french braid double bun

Amazing french braid double bun

The other day, someone asked us if we were Russian. “I thought because of the braids”, she said. And she had a point: the Russians do make the best braids! So I spent a lot of time last week on YouTube, going through Russian hairstyle videos. Here is a french braid double bun, that I learned:

french braid into two french braid buns french braid head band into two buns

I really love this hairdo, looks even better in real life, and what’s best, you only need some french braiding experience and a bit of patience (for both braider and braidee) to do this.

Often the tutorials on YouTube make any hairstyle look easy, but when you try it, the braid turns out loose, it’s impossible to hold together, or you get the hair or your fingers tangled… This one, however, is as easy as it looks on the video (which is not to say that it is very easy, but you get what you see on the video). So, if you want to try it, here is a link to the video: french braid double bun

I did this on my oldest daughter, who has very thick hair, but I don’t think thick hair is the key to success with this hairdo. Normal hair, 5-10 cm down from the shoulders should be fine.

The braid lasted well for the day, even though she was running and climbing at the playground. It fell apart  bit over night, but still looked ok after I added a few bobby pins. Got destroyed at the swimming pool though.

5 thoughts on “Amazing french braid double bun

  1. Pingback: The secret is in the planning | Jenni's hairdays

  2. Pingback: Hair for special occasions / Juhlakampauksia | Jenni's hairdays

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