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Winter braids

Winter weather and nice hair is quite an impossible combination: any kind of hair do is easily ruined by wearing a hat.

It’s been cold and windy here, and we’ve had some snow, so hats have been on for weeks already. Just having a french braid or two low pig tails is getting a bit boring. So I thought I’d compile some nice braids that will fit under a hat, and won’t get messed up when you put your hat on and take it off.

A good idea is to have a lace braid holding all the hair around the face, these styles will hold well. Here I’ve done one french lace finishing in a french braid at the back and one fishtail lace braid finishing in a fishtail at the back. (The fishtail picture is a bit summery, but works well in winter)

puoliranskalainen ja ranskalainen letti lace braid into fishtail, kalanruotoletti

double scissor waterfall into a fishtail braidI’m really into waterfall braids lately, but they don’t hold that well, especially if you’re wearing a hat! But a nice thing to do is to tie the rest of the hair back, and your waterfall will stay, no matter what the weather:

This one uses the scissor waterfall braid (tutorial by Hair4myPrincess here). I’ve just done two of them on one side, one on the other, and finished with a fishtail. If that’s a bit too much for you, you can do any kind of waterfall and braid the rest of the hair.

fishtail pullback

Finally, all half down braids look good with a hat, and if the top part is strong enough, the hat won’t ruin it. So single or double lace braids work well. This one is two fishtail braids, but works just as well with normal 3- or 4-strand braids.

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